Mesin Pintu Garasi


VersaMatic − for special fitting situations

  • The hinged gate operator VersaMatic with integrated controls is the perfect solution even for unusual fitting situations.
  • It is suitable for fitting on very low door pillars, for example. In addition, the fitting position is variable and can be optimally adjusted to each situation.
  • Furthermore, no separate controls have to be installed – this saves time and space.
  • The VersaMatic also features proven technology: its speed, for example, is individually adjustable; this way, it achieves smooth door travel for all door sizes.
ENTRANCE GATE OPERATORS dipasang di perumahan, apartemen, sekolah-sekolah, mall, supermarket, area permainan/wahana, pergudangan dan kawasan industri lainnya. Konsultasi dan produk, langsung hubungi kami sekarang juga.
Kami juga melayani penjualan dan pemasangan Mesin Pintu Garasi ENTRANCE GATE OPERATORS di seluruh kota di Indonesia yakni Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Bali dan Kalimantan. Terima kasih!