Product family D-100

Pegangan Pintu Garasi Otomatis

Product family D-100

U-shaped handle

  • 16K-13 0K-16 0K-16 5885,550872,550837A classic product with added value:the advantage of the U-shaped handle lies in its second 90 degree bend.
  • The rear turn of the handle helps to prevent shopping bags or coat sleeves from getting caught on the handle. In addi-tion, the U-shaped handle has comfort qualities, because the rear turn supports the ball of the hand when the door is opened.
Biasanya penggunaan Product family D-100 di gedung-gedung perkantoran, rumah sakit, bandara udara, stasiun, mall ataupun gedung pemerintahan. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut!
Anda sedang mencari Product family D-100 dan pemasangan di seluruh di kota Indonesia, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Bali dan Kalimantan. Hubungi kami sekarang juga!